1. People can surprise you in wonderful ways, but only if you allow them to do so. We met with Ephraim Modise -startupper and storyteller for startups. Ephraim is building the platform that tells startup stories in Botswana- BWTECHZONE Ephraim Modise has a degree in computer science and his IQ is not a child’s play- the chap is super intelligent- he knows what he is talking about. The problem he is solving through his platform is known and existing in our startup ecosystem amongst startup founders and investors.
2. BWTECHZONE helps spotlight startups in order to unlock their latent innovation potential. The chances are that every startupper or innovator has at least one idea on how to disrupt a community better, improve something or do something new. What are the startups doing with those ideas? BWTECHZONE provides the best technology stories to surface the best ideas to life and bring them to life here in Botswana.
3. Everyone is talking about how to create a vibrant innovation community in Botswana. Well we learn that Ephraim Modise the founder of BWTECHZONE loves Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. But we like that he acknowledges and knows that ideas always come from people and are put in motion by people working together. A vibrant community is what gives people reasons to stick around. That’s why BWTECHZONE helps startups and innovators stories connect people and ideas and enable connections that otherwise wouldn’t occur. This is a platform that most of us should embrace and subscribe to in the startup ecosystem in Botswana.
4. Platform that tell startup stories help both the startup and investors in easily measuring success and the return on innovation. Vanity metrics don’t drive progress. If the platforms that tell stories are supported with say 1M+ followers will get the metrics and KPIs that matter. Investors struggle to know the status of each project if its story isnt told locally. There’s no visibility across teams, and it’s challenging to know who’s working on what. With TECHBWZONE, we always know where we stand with latest innovator, investor tickets and when to take decisive action on building more startups.
5. Open-up innovation, with control- via a tech platform. As per Joy’s Law, “no matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else and that story is told everywhere”. BWTECHZONE makes it easy to open up innovation activities to people outside startups without losing control. We can safely invite external people to help startups discover, collect, assess, develop ideas, and turn them into new value.
6. Never walk alone as a startup. Building a startup is the most hardest thing any entrepreneur can ever embark on. Its a marathon! Get unmatched hands-on help through story telling platforms and advice from people with experience from the trenches. Someone who reads your story and contacts you may provide some accelerated mentor driven capital and access to networks.
7. Be a game-changer and tell your startup story within a locally curated startup ecosystem. Give value to be valued. Great storytelling has the potential to:
Give your company a competitive edge
Nurture & convert leads
Grow your brand
Create a loyal customer base
8. Storytelling: A Key Skill for Founders. As founders, it’s often our job to get customers, investors, and staff as excited about our startup or product as we are. Communicating compelling stories creates an emotional connection with your audience that helps them see you and your business as empathetic and relatable.
We are in support of such platforms NGWANA AFRICA
Keep building!